About Midnight Belton

After the loss of Midnight in 2014, our educational journey began. We realized education was key!

Often times, what some might consider a small incident turns out to be one of life’s most touching, most memorable, significant and life changing experiences. In life, we often learn the most from the smallest of creatures, who teach us by example. Such is the case with Midnight Belton.

Midnight Belton was our 7 year old little black cat that died of Stage 4 breast cancer in April 2013. Cancer in felines acts the same way as breast cancer does in women. Our family saw Midnight struggle with Stage 4 breast cancer until her death.

So what exactly does it mean to have Stage 4 breast cancer? Stage 4 breast cancer refers to cancer that has spread beyond the breast tissue into other areas of the body.

To understand the prognosis for Stage 4 breast cancer, it helps to know something about the process of metastasis. When cancer “metastasizes,” it has spread beyond the part of the body where it originated. In the case of breast cancer, receiving a Stage 4 diagnosis may mean the cancer has reached organs outside of the breasts, such as your bones, lungs, liver, or even your brain.

Since our journey with Midnight, we have never been the same.

We lived Stage 4 breast cancer right along with Midnight.